USS Monitor Preservation Project
iUSS Monitor Wreck Site. Photo Credit Jeff Johnston of the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary.
The submersible Clelia, operated by HBOI was used to assist NOAA in an effort to preserve the wreak site of a Civil War era iron clad warship the USS Monitor. To track and navigate the Clelia in the strong current off of Cape Hatteras, an ORE Trackpoint II USBL was used along with the IPS tracking software.
USBL Tracking USBL 2/11/22, 6:10 PM USBL Tracking - Integrated Positioning System - Projects 2/3 For the first two weeks of July 2000, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute of Fort Pierce, Florida conducted manned submersible operations in support of the Monitor2000 expedition. The Monitor-2000 operation was developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to aid in the long-range preservation plans for the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary. The USS Monitor sank in 1862 and now rests in approximately 220 ft of water 16 miles off of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. The Iron Clad vessel lies in the protected boundaries of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Monitor National Marine Sanctuary. The Sanctuary’s Director, John Boardwater, is coordinating the Monitor-2000 expedition. Some of the major goals of the Monitor-2000 expedition include:
Creating video and photographic surveys of the entire wreck for the production of electronic photomosaics.
Stabilizing the Monitor’s hull.
Mapping and photographing artifacts from the machinery space and the surrounding area.
Recovery of the Monitor’s 36-ton steam engine
Harbor Branch’s first task was conducting high-resolution video surveys of the Monitor and the surrounding debris field. These surveys were completed to record the condition of the vessel before the stabilization of it's hull and the removal of it's steam engine.
HBOI also performed detailed video surveys of the Monitor’s turret and engine room areas to assist in the actual recovery of the engine..
Clelia Owned and Operated by HBOI
Monitor-2000 Expedition Acoustic TrackingMonitor-2000 Expedition Acoustic Tracking
The IPS tracking software was Utilized for tracking and navigating the Clelia in the strong current off of Cape Hatteras in addition , an ORE Trackpoint II USBL was used a. This tracking system integrates a Magnavox MX-200 DPGS unit, a Sperry Mark 37 Gyrocompass, and the ORE USBL with the IPS Software to geodetically track the support vessel as well as the manned submersible.
R/V Sea Diver Owned and Operated by HBOI